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Brian DeMaria


When the Oleander, a yacht entertaining a 100 celebrities and heads of state falls victim of a vicious chemical weapon attack that kills all onboard, the Greek government and United Nations go after a terrorist group claiming responsibility.

Britton Alexander, had friends who were murdered in the attack, and who, having lost his son to terrorists years earlier, through necessity, has his own ways to find and deal with criminals in a fraction of the time it takes the authorities. He calls on his special operations chief, Chris Rossi, a cunning former US military intelligence operative to find those behind the attack.  

Rossi, backed by Alexander’s immense power and the international resources of his company, Global Con, assembles the Gurka team, comprised of former covert operatives from agencies around the world.

Rossi launches the investigation into the Greek yacht attack starting in Cypress. Using Global Con’s worldwide network of; ships, planes, offices, and resources, which are beyond any single countries, he learns that a Syrian scientist, who developed a powerful weapon called Devil’s Breath, is missing.

Gurka turns over many stones, from Europe to Asia and South America in their search ending in the last place anyone would look, where Rossi, comes face to face with a menacing drug lord who is being used by a mysterious and evil power that rivals even that of Britton Alexander’s. What Rossi discovers is that a catastrophic attack, with an epic World War III consequence is about to unfold half a world away.

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